
Audio & Podcasts

Chumash - Mishpotim

29 audio episodes available

In depth chumash lectures exploring the text and beyond from Mrs Dina Gourarie's Monday morning classes at BINA   Handout Shiur 1 - Click here Handout Shiur 2 - Click here


Parshas Beshalach

2 audio episodes available

Parshas Beshalach Parsha Insights with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women


Parshas Bo

2 audio episodes available

Parshas Bo Parsha Insights with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women


The Jewish Perspective on Mental Health Series 1

2 audio episodes available

A 2 part series on the Jewish perspective on Mental Health and what the Torah has to teach us. Part of the BINA Summer Learning Progam 2019


Parshas Vayeshev

1 audio episodes available

Parshas Vayeshev Parsha Insights with Rabbi Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women


"It is Within You" Audio Series

5 audio episodes available

"It's Within You" based on the work of Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein and Ilene Cohen


The Mystical Connection between the Succah and the Ocean

1 audio episodes available

A moning of Art and inspiation as the Rabbi Gave his Thursday Personal Growth lecture at the Succah by the Sea Exihibition as part of the Sculpture by the Sea art exibition near Bondi Beach


Resilience Audio Series

7 audio episodes available

Bouncing back from the low and challenging times and preventing negativity and sadness Rabbi Gourarie holds his Personal Growth Series during the 4 BINA Terms throughout the year.


Strategies for Healthy living

5 audio episodes available

This lecture is based on the book “Find your horizon of healthy thinking”


Akeidas Yitzchak - Rosh Hashana Torah Reading Second Day

1 audio episodes available

An in-depth look at the Chumash and its commentaries on the Torah reading of the second day of Rosh Hashana


Beat the Prayer Book Blues

6 audio episodes available

Discover the meaning of prayers and practices of the daily prayers with Rabbi Levi and Rabbi Gourarie Rabbi Levi and Rabbi Gourarie holds his Series during the 4 BINA Terms throughout the year.


Beat the Friday Night Blues

2 audio episodes available

Discover the meaning of prayers and practices of the Friday night service Rabbi Levi holds his Series during the 4 BINA Terms throughout the year.
