
Audio & Podcasts

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Chumash - Selections from Bamidbar

60 audio episodes available

An in-depth look into different Parshas with Mrs Dina Gourarie


Understanding Pesukei Dezimra

3 audio episodes available
Understanding the Amidah

18 audio episodes available

In in-depth look at one of the most important prayers  



1 audio episodes available

An interesting look at Medrashim by Rabbi Gouarie


Shaar Ha Bitachon

11 audio episodes available

Part 1 - Chapter 1 - What is “Bitachon” To…


Coronavirus from a Talmudic Pesrpective

1 audio episodes available

An informative lecture on going through the perspective of the Talmud on the current Pandemic affecting the world and the correlations that can be drawn. 


Purim on Friday... Erev Pesach on Shabbos

5 audio episodes available

Learn all about this most unusual occurrence from Gemoro, Rishonim & Achronim


Chassidus - The Book of Tanya

1 audio episodes available

An in-depth shiur on Tanya
