
Audio & Podcasts

Parshas Vayechi

1 audio episodes available

Parshas Vayechi Parsha Insights with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women


Parshas Vayigash

1 audio episodes available

Parshas Vayigash Parsha Insights with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women


Personality and Four Tendencies Audio Series

4 audio episodes available

Different Personalities and tendencies to improve your life Based on “The Four Tendencies” by  Gretchen Rubin


Chumash - Yisro

6 audio episodes available

In depth chumash lectures exploring the text and beyond from Mrs Dina Gourarie's Monday morning classes at BINA


CJE Module 4 Perspectives (Hashkafa) Audio Series

5 audio episodes available

NEW C.J.E. Course of Jewish Essentials A…


Shabbat, Mindfulness & Meditation Series

3 audio episodes available

A pre-Shabbat Project lecture series exploring the benefits and ideas of Jewish mindfulness and meditation in connection with Shabbat.


The Pendulum Syndrome Series

4 audio episodes available

4 examples of where balanced living is critical


Are You from Venus Mars or Sinai

7 audio episodes available
Make Your Bed Series

7 audio episodes available
Mindfulness and the flow of the mind and heart

5 audio episodes available

A guide to a happier more enriched daily routine. Based on the works of BINA's 20th Anniversary guest speaker Rabbi Laibl Wolf
