
Audio & Podcasts

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Lecturer:  Mrs Dina Gourarie Clear all
Chumash - Selections from Bamidbar

72 audio episodes available

An in-depth look into different Parshas with Mrs Dina Gourarie


Understanding the Machzor

3 audio episodes available

Learn the Machzor in-depth


Understanding Pesukei Dezimra

3 audio episodes available
Understanding the Amidah

18 audio episodes available

In in-depth look at one of the most important prayers  


Chumash - Vayikra

37 audio episodes available

An indepth look into the Parsha with Mrs Dina Gourarie


Chumash - Ki Sisa

16 audio episodes available

In depth chumash lectures exploring the text and beyond from Mrs Dina Gourarie's Monday morning classes at BINA


The Heroes of Jewish History

2 audio episodes available

A motzei Shabbos shiur discussing events and people in Tanach and what canbe learned fom their exploits


Chassidus - The Book of Tanya

1 audio episodes available

An in-depth shiur on Tanya


A look at Hallel - Audio Series

3 audio episodes available

Pre Shavuos series with Mrs Dina Gourarie where she explores the Hallel Prayer said on Yom Tov


Chumash - Terumah

6 audio episodes available

In depth chumash lectures exploring the text and beyond from Mrs Dina Gourarie's Monday morning classes at BINA


Pre Purim Series

5 audio episodes available

A pre Purim audio seies to get you ready for Megillah and the joyous day Unfortunatley Pat 2 Audio recording had some technical issues which we were not able to resolve


Chumash - Mishpotim

29 audio episodes available

In depth chumash lectures exploring the text and beyond from Mrs Dina Gourarie's Monday morning classes at BINA   Handout Shiur 1 - Click here Handout Shiur 2 - Click here
