
Audio & Podcasts

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Parshas Re'eh

1 audio episodes available

Parshas Re'eh Parsha Insights with Rabbi Mendel Bluming


Mantras, Meditations and Mendacity

1 audio episodes available

The shocking truth behind “non religious’ spiritual practices


New Year Power 2021

1 audio episodes available

5 great speakers to energise yourself going into the new Year. 5 powerful ideas, 10 minutes each.Speakers: Rabbi Gourarie, Rabbi Dovy Rapoport, Rabbi Gad Krebs, Rabbi Aron Moss and Renana Levy


A Night of Learning and Chizzuk

1 audio episodes available

In preparation for Rosh Hashana for a night of learning & chizzuk with Rabbi Yaacov Chaiton, Rabbi Yaakov Einstein, Rav Shua Solomon, David Wolfowicz (Israel) and Harav Hagaon Avishai Kurtzag Shlita (Israel)


Elul Women’s Beis Medrash

1 audio episodes available

Experience Elul with learning and inspiration about this special time with 5 inspirational speakers!Dina Gourarie, Chaya Gourarie, Jodi Kofsky, Batsheva Strauss, Dani Kosofsky


New Year Power

1 audio episodes available

Listen to 5 great speakers to energise yourself going into the new Year. 5 powerful ideas, 10 minutes each. with Rabbi Gourarie, Rabbi Moss, Rabbi Benji Levy, Rebbetzin Estee Stern 


Rabbi meets an Expert during COVID-19

2 audio episodes available

Rabbi meets an Expert Part 1- Rabbi Gourarie…


Unleashing you Potential with Rabbi Feuerstein

1 audio episodes available

Guest speaker Rabbi Feuerstein spoke at BINA as part of the seies Rabbi Michoel Gourarie was running entitled 'Reach your Potential with a Growth Mindset' if you would like to hear the series click here...


Tehillim Insights

4 audio episodes available

Learning in-depth the timeless words of Dovid Hamelech in Tehillim with Mrs Avital Jacobs


The mystery of who wrote the Nishmat prayer

1 audio episodes available

Guest lecturer Rabbi Dr Harvey Belovski BINA gives an insightful lecture into the origins of this prayer


How do we know what "right" ?

1 audio episodes available

An insightful lecture by Rabbi Gad Krebs at the BINA Summe Learning Experience 2018


The Great Split

1 audio episodes available

A kabbalistic explanation of the Ashkenaz/Sephardi divide Recoded at the the BINA Summer Learning Experience 2018
