BINA Living
Ancient Jewish wisdom applied in a modern world through Personal growth.
This month’s classes:
BINA Living
Starts 9:00AM
BINA Living
Starts 9:00AM
BINA Living
Starts 9:00AM
BINA Living
Starts 9:00AM

Can We Play with the Facts of Life?
Question:I am getting married in two months from now, and last night we had a meeting with the rabbi who will be conducting the ceremony. Something came up which I am quite uncomfortable with…

The Wisdom of the Rooster

Is Global Warming a Sign of Moshiach?
Question: Could global warming be a sign that the Messiah is about to arrive? I learn’t the Torah predicts that in the future the “covering of the sun” will be removed, and wicked people will melt in the intense heat…

In this week’s Torah portion we read that Moses was told to instruct his brother Aaron (the high priest) to kindle the seven candles of the golden Menora (candelabra). In the Temple this daily Mitzvah was performed in the afternoon…

Am I Allowed to Love Myself?
Question: I have often heard that we are supposed to “love your fellow Jew.” This statement bothers me. It smacks of tribalism and almost racism. Surely we should love all of humanity equally, not just our own people?

Don't be an Angel

Does Anyone Believe In You?
Question: I don’t pray every day. Sometimes I’m not so sure that I believe in G-d enough to pray. I just don’t think I can have the unwavering faith that people like you seem to have. I’ll never be so sure. Can you pray and be a good Jew if your faith is unsteady?

Question: Apparently one of the reasons we eat milk products on Shavuot is that the Torah (which we received on Shavuot) is compared to milk and honey. So what is the big fuss with the cheesecake?
Can You Explain My Wife to Me?
Question: I’m wondering if you can explain my wife to me. She complained last night that I am not helpful around the house. She claims that yesterday I came home and plonked myself on the couch to relax, leaving her to look after the kids and dinner and everything else.

Bomb Dates Cost Money Too
Question:I am starting to lose faith in ever finding love. After swearing I would never in my life go on another blind date again, I succumbed…
Am I Supposed to Stay Lonely?
Question: I have an interest in studying Kabbalah. But I want to know, is it practical? I am not so interested in abstract mysticism, I want something that will help me in my life.

A respectful relationship needs constant maintenance. Over time we face the risk of slipping back into our default position which is sometimes less tolerant of other people’s differences.