

Pre High Holy Days and High Holy Days Schedule


Elul Beis Midrash Schedule

Elul this year is going to be on a whole different level. After a year of such heartbreak and tragedy, we need to do something out of the ordinary to go entirely out of our comfort zone. We are going to strengthen our connection to Hashem like never before and bring down tremendous brochos for Am Yisrael.

The theme of Elul at BINA Beis Medrash will be from the words of Slichos: “Sheorecha Heim Dofkim – They are knocking at Your gates, Shaarei Shomayim Psach – Open up the gates of Heaven.” We are going to knock hard, and Hashem will open wide.

So, clear your calendar and join us for an unforgettable journey of Torah and Tefillah as we bang on the doors of heaven and break them open.