
BINA Living

Ancient Jewish wisdom applied in a modern world through Personal growth.

This month’s classes:

Thursday, September 5
Is Meditation a Jewish thing? - Thursday Mornings Personal Growth for Women
BINA Living
Starts 9:20AM
Thursday, September 12
Changing Our Habits: Are You Ready For A NEW Year - Thursday Mornings Personal Growth for Women
BINA Living
Starts 9:20AM
Monday, September 16
Men’s Club: How Important is Unity
BINA Living
Starts 7:30PM
Thursday, September 19
Changing Our Habits: Are You Ready For A NEW Year - Thursday Mornings Personal Growth for Women
BINA Living
Starts 9:20AM
Shabbos, September 21
Women’s Sukkos Morning Tea
BINA Living
Starts 9:30AM
Monday, September 23
Bringing it home: Happy New You and Well Over the Past
BINA Living
Starts 7:30PM
Thursday, September 26
Changing Our Habits: Are You Ready For A NEW Year - Thursday Mornings Personal Growth for Women
BINA Living
Starts 9:20AM
Life is Not a Game of Chess

We are currently in the Jewish month of Elul. In a two weeks from now, we will celebrate Rosh Hashanah and usher in the New Year


One Small Candle

Question: I happen to know a number of people who are experiencing big difficulties and challenges in their lives at the moment. Some have been...



Question: Two weeks ago in your weekly article, you discussed our true age versus the one on our birth certificate. You explained that since…


Always Half Full

Last week I attended a school assembly for young children at Kesser Torah College (Sydney) where my seven year old daughter was performing. When the school principal…


You Don't Need Time or Money

Charity and kindness are of the most important aspects of Jewish tradition. The Talmud teaches that compassion and acts of goodness are the trademarks...


The Miracle of a Mother-in-Law

Question:So my son just got engaged to a…



The Talmud relates that the great sage Rabbi Elazar ben Azaria was asked to assume the leadership of the Sanhedrin – The Jewish Supreme Court…


Is Déjà Vu for Real?

Question:I often get deja vu, the sensation that…


The Power of Your Candle

A while ago a friend of mine, Reb Meir together…


The Rebbe Revolution

Question: I was blown away by the ceremony in the…


Can We Play with the Facts of Life?

Question:I am getting married in two months from now, and last night we had a meeting with the rabbi who will be conducting the ceremony. Something came up which I am quite uncomfortable with…
