BINA Living
Ancient Jewish wisdom applied in a modern world through Personal growth.
This month’s classes:
BINA Living
Starts 9:00AM
BINA Living
Starts 9:00AM
BINA Living
Starts 9:00AM
BINA Living
Starts 9:00AM

Reconciliation not resentment
Today the world mourns the passing of a great man – a visionary of hope and reconciliation. Nelson Mandela was respected the world over…

Question: With all the things that are available online today, things are becoming far more efficient and accessible. There is so much Jewish…

The longest married couple
Question: I recently attended a traditional Jewish wedding. I found it to be a most fascinating experience, rich in culture and ritual. I imagine…

Beyond a destiny
Question: The “binding of Isaac” – when Abraham demonstrated utmost dedication to G-d by being willing to sacrifice his own son at G-d’s request…

The ark of education
Question: In today’s world most parents send their children to school to be educated by others. Does the home have an educational role in today’s day and age?

Our direction
Question: I understand that proper concentration and intent is critical to prayer. Is there then any reason to go to shul if I am really not in…

Our secret
Question: As a nation, we’ve been through quite a bit. So many have persecuted us and have sought our annihilation – the ancient Egyptians…

Who should I vote for?
Question: With the federal election coming up in four weeks (here in Australia) I’ve been wondering – what kind of qualities should we be looking for in our leaders?

Bless Yourself
Question: In Judaism we seem to be preoccupied with “blessing G-d” – we bless Him before and after eating, we bless Him many times in our daily

High speed connection
Question: In a few weeks I’ll be going to Israel. As I really want this to be a spiritually uplifting trip, I’ll be spending most of my time in Jerusalem…