
Audio & Podcasts

Parshas Ki Savo

6 audio episodes available

Parshas Ki Savo Parsha Insights with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women


Torah Parenting Series

6 audio episodes available

Real strategies in raising children and teenagers to stay true to Torah values in a turbulent world Technology - Religious motivation - Davening - Peer Pressures - Social Influences


A Strong Mind

6 audio episodes available

Based on “13 Things Mentally strong people Don’t do” By Amy Morinwith Rabbi Gourarie


Pause, Reflect and Meditate - Special New Year series

3 audio episodes available

New Year lessons to reflect and meditate on


The Neshomo of Tishrei

3 audio episodes available

Explore the deeper meaning of the Yomim Noraim and Sukkos! From Sifrei Machshava


Elul Women’s Beis Medrash

1 audio episodes available

Experience Elul with learning and inspiration about this special time with 5 inspirational speakers!Dina Gourarie, Chaya Gourarie, Jodi Kofsky, Batsheva Strauss, Dani Kosofsky


The Shmooze

15 audio episodes available

A weekly Shmooz between Rabbi Levi and his father Rabbi Michoel Gourarie   


Parshas Shoftim

9 audio episodes available

Parshas Shoftim Parsha Insights with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women


Parenting and Relating to Teenagers

1 audio episodes available
Parshas Re'eh

8 audio episodes available

Parshas Re'eh Parsha Insights with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women


The Kabbalah of Words

1 audio episodes available

A two-week series  exploring the mysticism of language, communication, and speech.
