
Audio & Podcasts

Pre Shavuos Series

3 audio episodes available

A pre Shavuos audio seies to get you ready for Megillah Ruth and the receiving of the Torah


Unleashing you Potential with Rabbi Feuerstein

1 audio episodes available

Guest speaker Rabbi Feuerstein spoke at BINA as part of the seies Rabbi Michoel Gourarie was running entitled 'Reach your Potential with a Growth Mindset' if you would like to hear the series click here...



6 audio episodes available
Tehillim Insights

4 audio episodes available

Learning in-depth the timeless words of Dovid Hamelech in Tehillim with Mrs Avital Jacobs


Haggadah Insights

1 audio episodes available

Insights and inspirration from the Haggadah


Reclaiming Yourself

9 audio episodes available

Understand who you are and the choices you have. Based on “The Choice" by Edith Eger and the works of Victor Frankl.


The Mitzvah of Destroying Chometz

1 audio episodes available

Rabbi Levi gives and insightful lecture into the stoy of Chometz and how we go about destroying or selling it.


Purim Audio Series

4 audio episodes available

A selection of Purim audios to get into the Purim series


The mystery of who wrote the Nishmat prayer

1 audio episodes available

Guest lecturer Rabbi Dr Harvey Belovski BINA gives an insightful lecture into the origins of this prayer
