
Audio & Podcasts

Coronavirus from a Talmudic Pesrpective

1 audio episodes available

An informative lecture on going through the perspective of the Talmud on the current Pandemic affecting the world and the correlations that can be drawn. 


Guilt, Shame and Regrets – all bad or sometimes good?

1 audio episodes available

Personal Growth lecture with Rabbi Gourarie - Part of the BINA Summer Learning Series


Purim on Friday... Erev Pesach on Shabbos

5 audio episodes available

Learn all about this most unusual occurrence from Gemoro, Rishonim & Achronim


Parshas Vayigash

1 audio episodes available

Parshas Vayigash Parsha Insights with Rabbi Levi Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women


Unlock Yourself - Personal Growth Series

8 audio episodes available

Based on the new book "The Gift" by Edith Eger


Parshas Vayeshev

5 audio episodes available

Parshas Vayeshev Parsha Insights with Rabbi Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women


Parshas Noach

7 audio episodes available

Parshas Noach Parsha Insights with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women


Bringing the New Year Home

2 audio episodes available

With limited Shul attendance this year, learn how…


Rosh Hashana - A New You

1 audio episodes available

A stand alone class fom Rabbi Michoel Gourarie's Thursday Morning Personal Growth Series


New Year Power

1 audio episodes available

Listen to 5 great speakers to energise yourself going into the new Year. 5 powerful ideas, 10 minutes each. with Rabbi Gourarie, Rabbi Moss, Rabbi Benji Levy, Rebbetzin Estee Stern 


Rosh Hashana

1 audio episodes available

Rosh Hashana  Insights with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women


Healthy Living - Personal Growth Series

8 audio episodes available

Based on “Life in the Balance” by Rabbi Raphael Pelcovitz and Dr David Pelcovitz
