BINA Living
Ancient Jewish wisdom applied in a modern world through Personal growth.
This month’s classes:
BINA Living
Starts 9:30AM
BINA Living
Starts 7:45PM
Cool Nidrei?
Question: (from Batya age 8) Why do we wear tennis shoes or crocs on Yom Kippur? It used to be a luxury to wear leather shoes in the olden days…
Who's the Boss, Mind or Heart?
Question: I asked my boss for two days off for the Jewish New Year. I was nervous he was going to ask why two days for a new year…
Kindness - Strength or Weakness?
Kindness and charity are one of most honourable and elevated traits. Yet sometimes the kind-hearted and generous feel taken…
Question:Recently some friends got really upset with me suspecting me of doing something wrong which I hadn’t actually done…
Who should I vote for?
Question: With the federal election coming up in four weeks (here in Australia) I’ve been wondering – what kind of qualities should we be looking for in our leaders?
Does Judaism Need an Update?
Question: Why do we eat apples and honey on Rosh Hashanah? I know it is supposed to symbolise a sweet new year, but there are plenty of other
Our sages say: "He who gets angry is like an idol…
Giraffe steaks
Question: Is the giraffe a kosher…
Can I Be Jewish-ish?
Question of the Week: I am in a bind. I left…
Keep Laughing
The Talmud relates that the great sage Rabbah had the following practice. When he lectured in Talmudic law he would always begin with a joke…
Do Bar Mitzvahs Promote Teenage Violence?
Question: Here’s a question I struggle with: every year 13-year old bar mitzvah boys in synagogues around the world will intonate the Torah’s