BINA Living
Ancient Jewish wisdom applied in a modern world through Personal growth.
This month’s classes:
BINA Living
Starts 9:30AM
BINA Living
Starts 7:45PM
R.E.L.A.T.E - Part 1 Continued - Giving and Receiving
Here is another component of respect. There are two types of relationships. There is the hierarchical relationship, where one individual is superior to the other and/or an authority figure, like parent/child, employer/employee or teacher/student…
The Kabbalah of Immigration
Question: The immigration experience has been much harder than expected. I am here already for a year and not at all acclimatized. Don’t get me wrong, I have been welcomed with open arms into this community…
Cannabis and Kabbalah
Question: Did you read the news about a new-age “Kabbalah” teacher who was arrested for growing cannabis in her living room? This caught my attention, as I have always had two loves in my life…
The Miracle We Didn't Deserve
Question: I was playing the game of dreidel, as we do every Chanukah, when someone asked what it actually means. I wasn’t sure what to say, apart from being a fun way to spend time with the family during the holiday…
What Does 'Shkoyach' Mean?
Question: My conversion process has been a huge learning curve. One of the many challenges is getting my head around all the terminology. I can finally pronounce Chanukah correctly, and I now know…
Why Stones on a Grave?
Question: I am going to visit my grandmother’s grave, and was planning to buy a bunch of her favourite flowers. But I have noticed that Jewish graves don’t have bouquets, only stones laid on them…
The holiest Jewish object is the Sefer Torah – the Torah scroll. In this scroll there are six hundred thousand letters. For a Torah to be kosher every letter must be carefully written…
The Atheist Telescope
Question: How can a rational thinking person believe in G-d, when there is absolutely no evidence for his existence? Today we have x-ray, radar, satellites, infrared photography
The great Talmudic sage Rabbi Akiva had 24,000 disciples. Tragically (with the exception of five), they all passed away during the seven week period between the festivals of Pesach and Shavuot…
R.E.L.A.T.E - Part 1 Continued - Defining Respect
But what exactly does respect mean? In different relationships “respect” is expressed in different ways…
R.E.L.A.T.E - Part 1 Continued - SELFLESS OR SELFISH
The great Rabbi Mendel of Kotzk observed a disciple eating fish. “Why are you eating fish?” he asked. “I love fish,” the student replied. “If you really loved fish,”…