
Audio & Podcasts

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Lecturer:  Rabbi Michoel Gourarie Clear all
Eat the Fruit and throw away the peel

6 audio episodes available

Reflections and Lessons from 2020


Parshas Vayakhel Pekudei

4 audio episodes available

Vayakhel Pekudei Parsha Insights with Rabbi Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women


The Kabbalah of Breathing

2 audio episodes available

A 2 week series exploring the mysticism behind our breathing with a meditation at the end.with Rabbi Gourarie


Parshas Mishpotim

5 audio episodes available

Parshas Mishpotim Parsha Insights with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women



1 audio episodes available

An interesting look at Medrashim by Rabbi Gouarie


Parshas Yisro

5 audio episodes available

Parshas Yisro Parsha Insights with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women


Gilgulim – Reincarnation

1 audio episodes available

An interesting look at Gilgulim/Reincarnation from interesting sources in Torah


Guilt, Shame and Regrets – all bad or sometimes good?

1 audio episodes available

Personal Growth lecture with Rabbi Gourarie - Part of the BINA Summer Learning Series


Unlock Yourself - Personal Growth Series

8 audio episodes available

Based on the new book "The Gift" by Edith Eger


Parshas Vayeshev

5 audio episodes available

Parshas Vayeshev Parsha Insights with Rabbi Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women


Parshas Noach

7 audio episodes available

Parshas Noach Parsha Insights with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women


Bringing the New Year Home

2 audio episodes available

With limited Shul attendance this year, learn how…
