BINA Living
Ancient Jewish wisdom applied in a modern world through Personal growth.
This month’s classes:
BINA Living
Starts 9:00AM
BINA Living
Starts 9:00AM
Lost Tribe in New Guinea?
Did you see the video of the tribe in Papua New Guinea singing the Shema in Hebrew? It is just amazing!…
Can a Viking Be Jewish?
I feel like I am a Jewish soul born in a non-Jewish body…
Gateway to Heaven
As Jews we seem to be quite passionate about Jerusalem -we mention Jerusalem countless times in our daily prayers…
There are many people suffer from a procrastination problem that can be very destructive…
Stop Acting Like a 40 Year Old!
Can you explain why Genesis describes the lifespan of the early generations as being incredibly long?…
Rainbow - A Sign of Individuality
I have always been taught that a rainbow is a sign of the covenant that G-d made with Noach…
Don't Be A Marrano
Question: In my family, the opening prayer for Yom Kippur, Kol Nidrei, has always been a big deal. To keep reading click on the article title
Life - Existence or Purpose?
Question: The other day my friends decided…
Not the Spiritual Type?
Question I was in your shule on Friday night and…
A Moment to Care
On Wednesday I returned from a quick trip to the…
Why Are All the Good Guys Taken?
Question of the Week:Here is the dating paradox:…
Being not "Doing"
We all recognise the importance of self…