BINA Living
Ancient Jewish wisdom applied in a modern world through Personal growth.
This month’s classes:
BINA Living
Starts 9:00AM
BINA Living
Starts 9:00AM
In this week’s Torah portion we read about the ten plagues. G-d punishes the Egyptians with a series of ten devastating…
Self Esteem and Humility
Self Esteem is one of the buzz words of modern society. We are taught that a healthy self image is crucial…
In Australia today it is the last day of the school year. During the school term children spend most of their waking hours in school…
There are many people suffer from a procrastination problem that can be very destructive…
A Moment to Care
On Wednesday I returned from a quick trip to the…
Being not "Doing"
We all recognise the importance of self…
The Thief - a Role Model
There is a Jewish axiom that we can learn and draw inspiration from everything that we see and experience. Rabbi Zusha of Anipoli taught that we can even learn from a thief. By observing the seven behaviours of a burglar, we can design a formula for successful personal development.
A Sukkos thought - True Happiness
People often confuse pleasure with happiness. In a hedonistic culture the mistaken belief is that the more we have to enjoy and the more comfortable we are, the happier we will be. But pleasure and happiness are very different and sometimes mutually exclusive.
A Different View
A few years ago, in the need of …
Chanukah and Bushfires
At one time or another we all experience exciting…
Competing with Yourself
A look at the meaning of success.One of the most…
You Still Need to Improve
After last weeks email, I received the following…