BINA Living
Ancient Jewish wisdom applied in a modern world through Personal growth.
This month’s classes:
BINA Living
Starts 9:00AM
BINA Living
Starts 9:00AM
Happiness is Your Choice
Question: I know Purim is supposed to be a happy holiday, but when I look at myself and my life I see no good reason to…
Respect a Father Like That?
Question: I know the Ten Commandments require us to respect our parents. But not all parents are respectable. My father has…
What Are Women Hiding?
Question: Why does Judaism command women to keep their bodies covered? Is there something shameful or evil about a woman’s body?…
Did You Miss the Love Boat?
Question: I know I will get married one day. I just wonder why it is taking so long. I have friends who got engaged to the first person they ever dated…
I Just Lost My Wedding Ring!
Question:I always take off my wedding ring before I play basketball so I don’t jam my finger. Now, I can’t find it. We looked everywhere and…
Are Lefties Sinister?
Question: The word ‘sinister’ is Latin for ‘left-handed.’ Many ancient cultures saw left-handedness as a handicap…
Are Women Stronger Than Men?
Question: I have often heard it said that Judaism believes that women are more spiritual than men. This is supposed to explain why men
Sneeze, Schmeeze as long as you're healthy
Question: I have a question for you ….. it’s a little trivial but here goes anyway…. A non-Jewish colleague refuses to say…
Jews in the West Bank?
Question: As a believing Christian, I made a recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I was profoundly disturbed by the Jewish state…
Do You Deserve a Miracle?
Question: I was playing the game of dreidel, as we do every Chanukah, when someone asked what it actually means. I wasn’t sure…
Can You Stop Kvetching Already?
Question: I have nothing against circumcision. It is an ancient tradition and I will keep it for my children. But I do have an issue…
Xmas Trees and the Jewish Home
Question: I am in a tricky situation. My sister and her husband are spending Chanukah with us. Her husband is not Jewish…