
BINA Living

This month’s classes:

Thursday, September 5
Is Meditation a Jewish thing? - Thursday Mornings Personal Growth for Women
BINA Living
Starts 9:20AM
Thursday, September 12
Changing Our Habits: Are You Ready For A NEW Year - Thursday Mornings Personal Growth for Women
BINA Living
Starts 9:20AM
Monday, September 16
Men’s Club: How Important is Unity
BINA Living
Starts 7:30PM
Thursday, September 19
Changing Our Habits: Are You Ready For A NEW Year - Thursday Mornings Personal Growth for Women
BINA Living
Starts 9:20AM
Shabbos, September 21
Women’s Sukkos Morning Tea
BINA Living
Starts 9:30AM
Monday, September 23
Bringing it home: Happy New You and Well Over the Past
BINA Living
Starts 7:30PM
Thursday, September 26
Changing Our Habits: Are You Ready For A NEW Year - Thursday Mornings Personal Growth for Women
BINA Living
Starts 9:20AM

I Just Lost My Wedding Ring!

I Just Lost My Wedding Ring!


I always take off my wedding ring before I play basketball so I don't jam my finger. Now, I can't find it. We looked everywhere and I really feel bad for misplacing it. I know there is a prayer I can read to find lost items. Can you please help...


There is a Talmudic quote that is traditionally said when looking for a lost object:

Rabbi Binyomin said: Everyone is blind until G-d illuminates their eyes, as it states (Genesis 21:19), "And G-d opened her eyes and she saw a well of water."

Rabbi Binyomin is giving an example of someone who couldn't see the obvious until G-d intervened. The Book of Genesis tells of the maidservant Hagar, who was wandering through the desert without water. In fact there was a well nearby, she simply didn't see it.

The tradition is to recite this formula when you can't find something, and there are countless stories of people immediately finding whatever they lost after saying these words.

This is more than just a magical incantation. It reminds us of a profound truth. We are so often blind to the things around us. What you are looking for may be right in front of you, but you don't have eyes to see it. There are amazing opportunities staring you in the face, but you are looking the other way. You are surrounded by wonderful people, and you haven't even noticed. The jewellery you think you lost is within reach, if only G-d illuminates your eyes.

Most importantly, the tradition teaches that reciting this passage is not enough. You also have to give a donation to charity. If you want G-d to illuminate your eyes, you have to illuminate the lives of the needy.

But the truth is, even that's not enough. Say the quote above, give some charity. But there's one more thing you need to do to find the ring. Keep looking.


~ Rabbi Aron Moss

