BINA Living
Ancient Jewish wisdom applied in a modern world through Personal growth.
This month’s classes:
Dont Just Walk Away
Question:Recently I heard you lecture on the…
Do You Trust Your Mother?
Question: This question is from my daughter (aged…
Whare Are You Scared Of?
Question: I just wanted to ask you for some…
Are You The Odd One Out?
Question: I would love to come to shule one…
Have You Got Charm?
Question: Mazel tov on the birth of your…
Whose Side Are You On?
Question:I have a jealousy problem. I am envious…
You Think Youre Busy?
Question: Rabbi, I appreciate your invitation to…
She Still Hasnt Clicked?
Question: My girlfriend of two years isn't sure…
Who Are You?
Why do we hate criticism? Why is it that when our…
Why is Jewishness Passed Down by the Mother?
Question: Why is Judaism passed down through…
A Fight for Life
Question: My brother is losing his fight for…
Youre Not an Angel
Question: My religious observance has started to…