
BINA Living

Ancient Jewish wisdom applied in a modern world through Personal growth.

This month’s classes:

Thursday, September 5
Is Meditation a Jewish thing? - Thursday Mornings Personal Growth for Women
BINA Living
Starts 9:20AM
Thursday, September 12
Changing Our Habits: Are You Ready For A NEW Year - Thursday Mornings Personal Growth for Women
BINA Living
Starts 9:20AM
Monday, September 16
Men’s Club: How Important is Unity
BINA Living
Starts 7:30PM
Thursday, September 19
Changing Our Habits: Are You Ready For A NEW Year - Thursday Mornings Personal Growth for Women
BINA Living
Starts 9:20AM
Shabbos, September 21
Women’s Sukkos Morning Tea
BINA Living
Starts 9:30AM
Monday, September 23
Bringing it home: Happy New You and Well Over the Past
BINA Living
Starts 7:30PM
Thursday, September 26
Changing Our Habits: Are You Ready For A NEW Year - Thursday Mornings Personal Growth for Women
BINA Living
Starts 9:20AM
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What's Wrong With Judaism?

Question: The festival of Shavuos is to me an example of everything that’s wrong with Judaism…


What Are You High On?

I read an article by a professor in Israel who suggests that the revelation at Mt Sinai was actually a drug-induced hallucination…


Making Sacrifices for Our Children's Education?

I know this sounds petty but I can’t stand making lunches for my kids. Every night I am just about to fall into bed exhausted…


Let Special Needs People Speak for Themselves

I saw you copped a beating from Shmuley Boteach in the Huffington Post this week. He totally trashed your article “Why Does G-d Create Handicapped Babies?” where…


The Rabbi and the Suicidal Teenager

I am struggling with a lot of things in life really. Work, dating, you know the drill. Sometimes I get really depressed…


Is There Scientific Proof of the Soul?

Question: Ever since the death of my brother seven years ago, I have been grappling with the concept of the soul. I wish I could believe in it…


You Have to Just Face It

A quick question. . . my friends often tell me to smile more. But how can one always just smile and be happy if…


Your Mommy or Your Wife?

Things have flared up between my mother and my wife. My mother insists… Read More



Whom Do You Really Love?

Here’s my problem with Judaism: The Torah says you have to love G-d with all your heart…



How Not to Save a Sinking Ship

A recent study on Jewish continuity divided the community into three categories…


Refined Search for Soulmate

Question:My Jewishness is making it harder for me to find love. The more I get involved in Jewish life, the less options I have for girls to date…


The $499 Dilemma

I tell my nine year old son that people who work hard will progress in life and have what they need. Now I have a dilemma…
