BINA Living
Ancient Jewish wisdom applied in a modern world through Personal growth.
This month’s classes:
BINA Living
Starts 9:20AM
BINA Living
Starts 9:20AM
BINA Living
Starts 9:20AM
BINA Living
Starts 9:20AM
What's Wrong With Judaism?
Question: The festival of Shavuos is to me an example of everything that’s wrong with Judaism…
What Are You High On?
I read an article by a professor in Israel who suggests that the revelation at Mt Sinai was actually a drug-induced hallucination…
Making Sacrifices for Our Children's Education?
I know this sounds petty but I can’t stand making lunches for my kids. Every night I am just about to fall into bed exhausted…
Let Special Needs People Speak for Themselves
I saw you copped a beating from Shmuley Boteach in the Huffington Post this week. He totally trashed your article “Why Does G-d Create Handicapped Babies?” where…
The Rabbi and the Suicidal Teenager
I am struggling with a lot of things in life really. Work, dating, you know the drill. Sometimes I get really depressed…
Is There Scientific Proof of the Soul?
Question: Ever since the death of my brother seven years ago, I have been grappling with the concept of the soul. I wish I could believe in it…
You Have to Just Face It
A quick question. . . my friends often tell me to smile more. But how can one always just smile and be happy if…
How Not to Save a Sinking Ship
A recent study on Jewish continuity divided the community into three categories…
Refined Search for Soulmate
Question:My Jewishness is making it harder for me to find love. The more I get involved in Jewish life, the less options I have for girls to date…
The $499 Dilemma
I tell my nine year old son that people who work hard will progress in life and have what they need. Now I have a dilemma…