
BINA Living

This month’s classes:

Friday, October 4
2nd Day Rosh Hashana in Vaucluse
BINA Living
Starts 9:30AM
Monday, October 21
Sukkot Mens Club
BINA Living
Starts 7:45PM


As the Jewish people were preparing to leave Egypt as a nation, the first Divine commandment they were given was to establish the Jewish calendar.

Since then, the calendar has allowed us to tap into the music and rhythm of the Jewish experience. Wherever we are it allows us to detach from our mundane environment, transporting us to a transcendent song guided by the Calendar.

Whether in Temple times or in exile, in Israel or in the diaspora, amidst affluence or persecution, the cycles and rituals dictated by the calendar, have remained constant. Linking the past present and future of different generations and cultures, it has always been the sane Pesach, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot or Shabbat. The Calendar is truly one of the building blocks of Jewish continuity and eternity.


It’s just two weeks before the New Year and the month of Tishrei begins with all its festivals. I encourage you to challenge yourself to tap into the deep music of the Calendar in some way. Here are some suggestions to choose from.

- Attend a Rosh Hashanah service on both days or at least an event where the shofar is blown.

- Prepare for Yom Kippur by reading insightful articles or attending a lecture to deepen your understanding.

- Participate in the Sukkot tradition by shaking the lulav or eating in a Sukkah at least once – reach out if you need assistance.

- Spend a few minutes marking Simchat Torah with a joyful gathering, a Lechaim, and sharing moments with others in synagogue dancing in Shul to celebrate our Jewishness. 


Wishing everyone a Shana Tova.


~Rabbi Michoel Gourarie

