
BINA Living

This month’s classes:

Friday, January 24
Pre-Shabbat Inspiration & Meditation
BINA Living
Starts 9:00AM
Friday, January 31
Pre-Shabbat Inspiration & Meditation
BINA Living
Starts 9:00AM

Lifting Your Foot

This weekend we celebrate the final festival of this month, called Simchat Torah. On this day we complete the annual reading of Torah, and it is one of the most joyous events of the Jewish calendar. The occasion is marked by taking out the holy Torah scrolls from the ark and dancing with or around them.

This practice is not just a method of celebration - it carries a deep message.

The human body is divided into three parts - the head, the body and feet. Each part represents another aspect of the human experience. The head represents our intellect and power of cognition. Our body contains the heart, which symbolizes feeling and emotion. The feet stand for action.

Dancing happens when we lift our feet off the ground. When we do that our heads are also lifted higher. Symbolically this means that when we practice what we learn our minds are elevated to a higher level. Implementing the values and principles that we study gives the knowledge and the academic concepts more depth and meaning.

On Simchat Torah we celebrate the completion of the Torah and express our Jewishness with great intensity and happiness. But we do so by declaring our commitment to bring the values of the Torah down to the world of action. When we lift our feet and dance with the scroll, the Torah itself is elevated. When we lift our feet, committing ourselves to one more good deed, our minds and the Torah that we are holding are also able to dance.

Not everyone is a huge scholar and we might not understand everything written in the Torah. But we can all do something. So on this Simchat Torah make sure to go to shul and lift your feet higher and higher. While you dance think of one mitzvah you can do this coming year. The Torah will dance with you and shower upon you all of its blessings.
