
BINA Living

Ancient Jewish wisdom applied in a modern world through Personal growth.

This month’s classes:

Friday, October 4
2nd Day Rosh Hashana in Vaucluse
BINA Living
Starts 9:30AM
Monday, October 21
Sukkot Mens Club
BINA Living
Starts 7:45PM

Israel is once again under attack with missiles reaching close to Tel Aviv. Sadly, yesterday there were already a number of Jews killed…


Sweet sweat

In this week’s Torah portion we read how Abraham sent his trusted servant on a mission to Abraham’s homeland to find a suitable…


Can We Schedule an Argument?

Question: I have a problem. My fiancĂ©e and I never fight. I have heard that relationships can only grow through tension, that only…


Quality Jewish Time

Question: I have so much going on in my life – work, study, friends, hobbies and family. Which area should be the focus of my attention?


Is Sport a Religion?

Question: I wanted to ask you for your opinion on the topic of sport and G-d. My husband is quickly losing his faith in G-d due to his team not winning…


Who am I?

Many of us have sensitive and fragile feelings and emotions. We all hate to be criticized, we hate to fail, we stress out when we cannot…


Isn't it rude to point?

Question: In shul I’ve noticed that when the torah is raised after the reading has concluded, many people rise and point at the Torah with their pinkies…



Do you ever feel like your life is out of control and completely chaotic? Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed and lost? Your plans aren’t working and you are…


Now That's a Relief!

Question: This is out of left field but maybe you can help. A religious Jewish guy works in the office next to me. I just bumped into him as he was walking out of the men’s room…


Eating meat - why now?

Question: I recently read that for the first 1600 years of the world’s existence man was not allowed to eat meat. Only after…


Did Man Create G-d?

Question: At my University a group of students from all faiths and religions, including Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindus, Buddhists meet…


P Plate Inspiration

Question: Rabbi, I don’t mean to be nosy but I couldn’t help noticing that you are driving a car with P plates. Did you just learn to drive…
