BINA Beis Medrash
In-depth Torah study from the original texts with a Chavrusa or in a shiur.
This week’s classes:
Essentially Yom Kippur
The holiest day in our calendar, the Shabbos of…
Returning Lost Souls
The Mitzvah of returning lost objects - Hashovas…
Diet for the Soul
Anyone who runs a kosher kitchen knows that we…
The Fruits of Life - Eikev
a land of wheat and barley, vine and figs and…
One of the strangest features in the Torah…
The Haggadah Illuminated
Kadeish Urechatz: Traditionally the Haggadah…
Pekudei - Financial Transparency
Financial Transparency is one of the buzz words…
Fragrance of the Soul - Purim and Tetzaveh
In the last Aliyah of Parshas Tetzaveh we read…
Yisro - The Number Ten
G-d's revelation to Bnei Yisrael at Mount Sinai…
Vayeitzei - Shabbos, the source of infinite blessing
VayeitzeiShabbos, the Source of Infinite…
Matza - Ingesting Freedom
Matzah is the food of freedom. We all know the…
Question:On Yom Kippur there is a long confession…