Parshas Achrei Kedoshim Parsha Insights with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women
Parshas Tazria Metzora Parsha Insights with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women
Understanding the issues with practical strategies with Rabbi Gourarie
Vayakhel Pekudei Parsha Insights with Rabbi Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women
Parshas Mishpotim Parsha Insights with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women
Parshas Yisro Parsha Insights with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women
An interesting look at Gilgulim/Reincarnation from interesting sources in Torah
An informative lecture on going through the perspective of the Talmud on the current Pandemic affecting the world and the correlations that can be drawn.
Learn all about this most unusual occurrence from Gemoro, Rishonim & Achronim
Parshas Vayigash Parsha Insights with Rabbi Levi Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women