A kabbalistic explanation of the Ashkenaz/Sephardi divide Recoded at the the BINA Summer Learning Experience 2018
Parshas Vayechi Parsha Insights with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women
Parshas Vayigash Parsha Insights with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women
In depth chumash lectures exploring the text and beyond from Mrs Dina Gourarie's Monday morning classes at BINA
NEW C.J.E. Course of Jewish Essentials A…
NEW C.J.E. Course of Jewish Essentials.
A structured course of eight modules covering the basics and essentials of Jewish learning. This term – Jewish History Overview.
NEW C.J.E. Course of Jewish Essentials A…
NEW C.J.E. Course of Jewish Essentials A…
Parsha Insights with Rabbi Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women
Parsha Insights with Rabbi Gourarie from his Tuesday Morning shiur for women
A lecture discussing Atificial Insemination and other assiciated topics from a moden day perspective and how Jewish law intergates