
BINA Beis Medrash

This week’s classes:

"A Shtikel Torah" with Rabbi Levi (8/8/24)

One of the Yud Gimmel Ikrim (principles of faith compiled by the Rambam) is the emuna in the coming of Moshiach. The question is, why? It is understandable why Moshiach is important but why is it an “Ikar?” An Ikar means that it is a foundation, without which we don’t have Judaism. Why is Moshiach such a fundamental pillar of Yidishkeit?


In Sifrei Chassidus it is explained that Moshiach is not just a reward for our Torah and Mitzvos or a time when it will be all good and the world will be at peace. Moshiach is much more than that, it is the time when the whole purpose of creation will be fulfilled. The purpose of this world is for Hashem to have a ‘Dira Betachtonim – a dwelling place in this world.” When Moshiach comes Hashem will be revealed and the reality of the world will be Godliness as we say in davening “Bayom Hahu Yiye Hashem Echad Ushmo Echad – On that day Hashem and His name will be one.” All the Torah and Mitzvos that we do now is getting the world ready to be a “Dira Betachtonim,” for “Ein Od Milvado” to be our reality.


As we commemorate Tisha over these next few days, now is the time to think about, what am I doing to reveal Hashem in this world. How am I making Hashem the only focus in my life? How am bringing Moshiach closer?


Let us do all we can and iy’H this year we will celebrate Tisha B’Av in the Beis Hamikdosh Hashlishi!

