
BINA Beis Medrash

This week’s classes:

"A Shtikel Torah" with Rabbi Levi (21/11/24)

The Power of Mincha


In this week’s Parsha we read “VaYetzei Yitzchak Losuach Basode – Yitzchak went out to ‘talk’ in the field.” Chazal learned from this posuk that Yitzchak instituted the Tefillah of Mincha.


Mincha is considered the most special Tefillah of the day. We find this by Eliyahu Hanovi when he was asking Hashem to bring down a fire from heaven to disprove the false prophets of Baal that “Eliyahu lo naane ela bitfilas hamincha – Eliyahu was only answered by Mincha.


Here are two reasons that the Seforim explain why Mincha is so special:


1) Shachris is before we start our day, and Maariv is when we are finished with it. Both don’t require much commitment, as you aren’t busy anyway. Mincha is smack in the middle of the day, which requires one to tear themselves away from whatever they are busy with and daven to Hashem. That level of commitment is precious to Hashem.


2) Shachris is in the morning, representing when things are bright and going well. Maariv is at night which expresses a time when things are dark and hard. At both of these times, it’s easier to connect to Hashem whether you’re calling out in distress and need Him desperately or are filled with gratitude and want to thank Him. Mincha is neither night nor morning. It’s just average normal life. Things aren’t amazing but they aren’t bad either. When a person discovers Hashem in the regular monotony of life, that’s when you know it’s a true connection.


That’s why Michas is so special.

