
BINA Beis Medrash

This week’s classes:

Monday, September 9
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 8:00PM
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 9:30AM
Monday Night Beis Midrash
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 8:00PM
Nightly Maariv
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 9:00PM
Sugyos of ELUL and TISHREI for young adults
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 8:00PM
Tuesday, September 10
Nightly Maariv
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 9:00PM
Chassidus on Tehillim: On Zoom Only
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 8:00PM
Gemora In-Depth Maseches Sotah B'Iyun
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 8:00PM
ELUL Iggeres Hateshuva for Women
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 10:00AM
Wednesday, September 11
Nightly Maariv
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 9:00PM
Gemoro Shiur
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 8:15PM
ELUL Special Elul Shiur for women! "Shivti Bveis Hashem"
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 7:15PM
Nesivos Sholom for ELUL
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 8:30PM
Thursday, September 12
Nightly Maariv
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 9:00PM
Midrasha at BINA
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 8:00PM
ELUL Iggeres Hateshuva For men
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 8:15PM
ELUL Midrasha
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 8:00PM
Saturday, September 14
Shiur in Kitzur Shulchan Aruch
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 11:00AM
Gemoro Shiur
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 11:00AM
Ladies Shabbos Shiur
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 11:00AM
Avos Ubonim
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 10:00AM
Shabbos Afternoon Shiur
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 10:00AM
ELUL Shabbos Afternoon Shiur
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 10:00AM
Sunday, September 15
Sunday Morning Beis Medrash
BINA Beis Medrash
Starts 8:00AM

"A Shtikel Torah" with Rabbi Levi (2/8/24)

Trusting in Hashem is the Best Thing Possible!

In the bracha of Al HaTzadikim during the Amida we say “Uleolam lo Nevosh Ki Vecha Batachnu – So that we may never be ashamed, for in You we trust.” The mefarshim ask: What shame and embarrassment are we talking about here and what does it have to do with trusting in Hashem?

Rav Yitzchak Moltzon* in his sefer Siach Yitzchak explains that normally when we must rely on someone else to get something there is an element of embarrassment involved. We feel like it’s a weakness that we can’t provide that thing for ourselves. It’s like we are missing something. Which is why people are often ashamed to ask for help.

But trusting in Hashem is the greatest level a person can reach. Understanding that we need Hashem is not a weakness, but rather a strength. It’s the ability to transcend our ego and realize that “ein od milvado – there is no true reality other than Hashem.”

So, during this sad period of the year and troubling time for our people let us strengthen our bitachon in Hashem that He will save us and bring Moshiach very soon!

Rav Yitzchak Moltzon was a student of R Yisrael Salanter and later served as a dayan in Kelm. He then made aliya and passed away in Eretz Yisrael.
