Kibud Av Veim
In this week’s Parsha we have the Aseres Hadibros that were later engraved on two Luchos. On one side were the Mitzvos Bein Adom Lamakom (Shabbos etc) and on the other side the Mitzvos Bein Adom LeChaveiro (do not Murder etc).
The Meforshim ask: Why is the Mitzva of Kibud Av Veim on the side of “Bein Adam Lemakom?” Isn’t this a Mitzva that is between Human Beings, shouldn’t it be on the second side?
The Kli Yakar explains that the Mitzva of Kibud Av Veim is directly related to one’s relationship with Hashem. Respecting parents is an expression that “I didn’t just come here, someone made me, and I owe them my gratitude and respect.” When one is aware that they were created, that leads to an awareness of the ultimate creator – Hashem.
As we see in society, the more secular it becomes, the less value is placed on respecting parents. We must uphold and strengthen this value and imbue our children with the awareness that there is something beyond just themselves, someone created them and they are here for a purpose.