A new personal growth series from Rabbi Gourarie
Exploring Dementia from a Jewish and Practical Perspective with Mrs Tamar Krebs and Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
A conversation about dating and marriage in the ultra orthodox community with abbi Michoel Gourarie and Rabbi Levi from BINA
Based in part on “Conversational Intelligence” (Judith Glaser)
A personal growth lecture with lessons from Pesach and become a better person
Personal Growth lecture with Rabbi Gourarie - Part of the BINA Summer Learning Series
Based on the new book "The Gift" by Edith Eger
A stand alone class fom Rabbi Michoel Gourarie's Thursday Morning Personal Growth Series
Based on “Life in the Balance” by Rabbi Raphael Pelcovitz and Dr David Pelcovitz
Learn how being mindful not only gives you a more meaningful life and the ability to be present but also enhances all types of relationships
Part 1 - Early sources and the Jewish view on treatment Part 2 - Specific conditions and the role of spirituality in the healing process Part 3 - Suicide prevention and what can we all do